Thursday, April 16, 2009

Legalizing gambling in Texas

I can totally agree with some of the arguments made by the author of "Do we really need a gambling in Texas." The author makes a good point about Governor Perry's argument that there's already a large amount of illegal slot machines in Texas and his proposed plan for the state to regulate gambling is illegitimate. I also feel that Perry's proposal doesn't consider the families that are less fortunate and the local businesses that would hurt financially. I really liked the analogy that says, "...we would legalize drugs since they are illegal and rampant as well." Thus showing that just because something is illegal and bad for society doesn't mean state regulation over gambling is acceptable. Gambling is an addiction that ruins families all the time. For crying out loud, they have anonymous group for addicted gamblers like alcoholics and drug abusers have groups for their own diseases.  The only thing that I didn't totally agree with was that even people that have tons of money to throw away at gambling, shouldn't add to something that could become a serious addiction. By passing this legislation, Texas will become another Sin city.

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